Monday, May 14, 2007

Slimy house guests

I've got a visitor. A snail has arrived in my house. Now this wouldn't normally be remarkable except it's enormous. The shell is about 5 inches long and 3 inches wide. The sluggy bit's scary. How does a snail that big sneak into the house - dash in while I'm not looking? Mosquitoes struggle to get into my house yet........ I'm fascinated. And revolted - you can't keep something leaving that much slime in the house so in a minute I've got to go and remove the cardboard box. But I have a theory. I can't believe anything that large isn't snacked upon - so I'm going to get the neighbours round - wussy and generous and mean to snails all in one action.

I've found out my cow's having twins. Hooray.

Anyway, snails to deal with......................................

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