Monday, May 21, 2007

Urban skimming and bags of frogs

John wanted some photos for his article so we decided to get together for a combination of urban and traditional stoneskimming photos. Puddles, the sludge of the dug up roads, and drains were all skimmed and photoed. A novice monk joined in and then we headed down to the Mekong for something a touch more traditional.

The pics are on flickr -

Heading over there I shared a tuk tuk with one woman, one policeman and several rice sacks. As I got in she gently moved the bags to one side. I figured that as they had something in she didn't want damaged, I'd just sit with my feet out. They started moving. She told me what they had in them but I knew I must have misunderstood - they didn't contain shoes - must work more on the Laos! So she opened them up. Some of the frogs had swollen up to the size of a cricket ball, others just crawled over their 'mates' gasping for breath. She offered me a discount on a kilo. urgh.

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